Visualizing complex data can be very difficult. There are almost as many ways to visualize data as there are data to visualize. The Ralph Lengler and Martin J. Eppler at the Visual Literacy Organization collect many of them for us in a periodic table.
Elastic Users, Actors, and Roles
In About Face 2.0, Alan Cooper describes the elastic user as an ill-defined user who’s characteristics change to suit the needs of the developer – sometimes an expert and sometimes a novice. However, some of the otherwise good techniques for managing actors and use cases exacerbate this problem instead of […]
Flashback: A Year Ago This Week on Tyner Blain [2006-07-21]
A look back at the best from a year ago.
Nexus Friday Favorites
Each Friday, we highlight some of our favorite articles, bundles or reviews that people have submitted to nexus. Check out this week’s Friday Favorites…
Ignoring The Requirements, Watching The Discussion
Almost a month ago, we published an article titled Broken Requirements Ecosystem. That article built on a discussion thread at Seilevel. Since that time, the original thread has grown, and a new one has been spawned at the Catalyze site. In short, the question was asked on the Seilevel forum- […]
Use Case Example With Business Rules
In our ongoing exploration of how to meld the worlds of business rules and requirements, we look at an example use case and see how to extract the business rules.
Flashback: A Year Ago This Week on Tyner Blain [2006-07-13]
A look back at the best from a year ago.
Nexus Friday Favorites
Each Friday, we highlight some of our favorite articles, bundles or reviews that people have submitted to nexus. Check out this week’s Friday Favorites…
Separating Business Rules From Requirements Increases Agility
We’ve written in the past about why it is important to gather and manage requirements. In short, you avoid some costly mistakes, and fix others before they become too expensive. We’ve also started exploring how business requirements and business rules live and play together. But why should we bother to […]