A look back at the best from a year ago.
Four Phases of Implementation
Jacques Murphy Describes the Four Phases of Implementation – Oh Boy!, Oh Shoot!, Oh Well, Oh Wow!
Setting The Price for Your Software
Joel on Software writes a great article about how to set the price for your software to maximize profits.
Joel does a good job of explaining and exploring the economic theories behind pricing and balancing supply and demand. He then dives into market segmentation and how it applies to pricing. Finally, he addresses the marketing elements of pricing and perceived value.
Brilliant Presentation on Identity 2.0
The material in the presentation is off-topic, but the presentation is so good that you just have to watch it. I found this when researching about openID (mine is http://tynerblain.com/scott.sehlhorst/ – check out myOpenID to set up yours). Consider the open ID thing to be a tangent you might be […]
Business Analyst Profit Center
Kevin Brennan recently posted his presentation from BA World Toronto (hat tip to Ryan). It’s a great presentation, with compelling imagery. Kevin raises an interesting point – are BA’s doomed to obsolescence? Kevin cites outsourcing and agile as two developments that might make BA’s irrelevant. With outsourcing, your company risks […]
Agile Development of Use Cases
We proposed a strategy for developing use cases as part of an agile development methodology last week. In this article, we will look in more detail at that proposal, and also look at a specific way to apply agile techniques to the development of the use cases. What we propose is essentially incremental development of use cases, and starting what comes next as soon as you can.
Flashback: A Year Ago This Week on Tyner Blain [2006-03-31]
A look back at the best from a year ago.
Agile Release Planning With Games
Leading Answers, an agile project management blog, has a great article that details some agile techniques for release planning exercises. Their article includes explanations and great diagrams.
How To Use UML Statechart Substates
UML Statecharts can be very effective modeling tools for describing systems and software requirements. They provide a clear framework for identifying business rules. The same business rules often apply to multiple states – defining a commonality for those states. There is an element called a substate in UML statecharts that can be used to make it more obvious that a particular business rule applies to multiple states.