A look back at the best from a year ago.
Nexus Friday Favorites
Each Friday, we highlight some of our favorite articles, bundles or reviews that people have submitted to nexus. Check out this week’s Friday Favorites…
Change is Bad? Mistakes are Worse
CNET ran an article about a month ago about how Microsoft Live Hotmail – the upgrade/replacement of Hotmail failed to win a lot of converts. Microsoft ultimately had to deliver a “classic” version of the new code base to mimic the behavior of the old software. CNET’s analysis, while accurate, […]
Planning for Effective Meetings
Jonathan Babcock has written a couple interesting articles on preparing for a review meeting. He touches on a couple generic “good ideas” and explores one critical idea in more detail. We focus on that detail – helping participants be prepared to participate – in this article. His articles, and this […]
Pragmatic Marketing Refines and Expands
A lot has happened over the last two months while we were building out nexus. One very interesting thing is the big changes at Pragmatic Marketing. The “800 lb. gorilla in the product management space” has re-branded some of their online assets and introduced new products and services. For some […]
Nexus Launches!
We’ve launched nexus today! We also fixed a big security hole and added the last of our early features.
Flashback: A Year Ago This Week on Tyner Blain [2006-06-09]
A look back at the best from a year ago.
Nexus – Make a Wish For What You Want
Today we did a little refactoring of code, but otherwise took a quick break from development of nexus. If you’ve ever had writer’s block, or struggled with a tough programming or representational problem, you know that one way to make progress is to walk away and then walk back. We […]
Nexus – Help Documents
Nexus Help Document System Operational Today we fixed a couple bugs, tweaked the UI a little, and implemented the functionality to support help documentation.