Why do we write documentation? Because someone told us to write it? Because our competitors have it? Or because we want our software to be easier to use? It should be the third one, but often, writing documentation is an afterthought, and it is deprioritized, and we just get it done, instead of thinking about the goals for doing it in the first place and doing it right.
Follow the Product Leader
We all remember how to do it – both following and leading. Product Managers do not have corresponding authority for all of their areas of responsibility. We have to manage somehow, and what better way than follow the leader?
21 Dysfunctional Definitions
Twenty-One dysnfunctional definitions of things we encounter every day as part of the software development lifecycle. Check ’em out and add to the list!
Writing For The Purpose of Reading
The reason we write is so that someone can read it in the future. Duh. When we’re writing requirements documents, or documenting processes, how often do we stop and think about who will be reading our documents? We need to make sure our writing will be easy to read for our audience.
Superhero Product Managers
Product managers are the leaders in organizations that lead by unfluence, adapt to changing circumstances, understand domains and markets, and communicate effectively with executives, customers, and development. They set scope, understand value, prioritize and define direction. They leap tall buildings in a single bound…
Rinse, Lather, Repeat – 10 Reasons to Repeat Tests
Why run a test more than once? If it passed the first time, we don’t need to run it again – or do we? James Bach provides ten good reasons to run the same test more than once.
Burndown Bullied Into Business Analysis
Burndown is a technique used in Scrum projects for tracking the progress within or across sprints. It is an exciting way to track how a team is progressing against a deadline – and we can apply it to any form of project-status. In this article, we will apply it to […]
Estimating the Effort of Documenting an As-Is Process
Estimating the gathering of requirements is hard. Not as hard as scheduling innovation, but easier than estimating implementation effort. One step in gathering requirements is often the documentation of the “as-is” process – how things exist today. We provide a framework for building those estimates – making the job a little bit easier.
Vote Early And Often – Getting Value From Brainstorming
Brainstorming can be a simultaneously fun and effective technique for identifying software features or requirements. We’ve written previously about how to facilitate a brainstorming session and how to leverage the results. Timothy Johnson shares another way to use the results effectively. His way is more fun, and maybe just as effective.