Product Management / Requirements

Valuable and Functional Requirements

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Roger asked some interesting questions on one of our previous posts about market and product requirements. In a couple recent articles, we presented some specific examples to clarify the semantics and language of different types of requirements. Roger asks six questions about functional and non-functional requirements in the comments on the last article. In this article, we answer them.


Quick Post on Passion

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Why Passion is Important Thanks Kathy for Two Simple Words of Passion… I distinctly remember some eye-rolls when we posted Writing Passionate Requirements as part of the Big Ten Rules to Writing Good Requirements series. When we are excited about our product, and believe in the value for our customers, […]

Prioritization / Product Management / Requirements / Requirements gathering

Interrelation Digraphs As Prioritization Tool

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Prioritization can be hard, especially when we’re dealing with a lot of variables. Peter Abilla, at takes a fairly esoteric tool (interrelation digraphs) and applies it as a prioritization tool. Opthamologists have learned that they can’t show us a bunch of blurry images and have us tell them which one looks the best, and then prescribe a corrective lense. They have to ask us “Is it better like this? Or better like this?” Peter’s approach does the same thing, but with a quantitative edge.