Prioritization / Product Management / Requirements / Requirements gathering

Interrelation Digraphs As Prioritization Tool

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Prioritization can be hard, especially when we’re dealing with a lot of variables. Peter Abilla, at takes a fairly esoteric tool (interrelation digraphs) and applies it as a prioritization tool. Opthamologists have learned that they can’t show us a bunch of blurry images and have us tell them which one looks the best, and then prescribe a corrective lense. They have to ask us “Is it better like this? Or better like this?” Peter’s approach does the same thing, but with a quantitative edge.

Prioritization / Requirements / Requirements gathering

Vote Early And Often – Getting Value From Brainstorming

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Brainstorming can be a simultaneously fun and effective technique for identifying software features or requirements. We’ve written previously about how to facilitate a brainstorming session and how to leverage the results. Timothy Johnson shares another way to use the results effectively. His way is more fun, and maybe just as effective.

Prioritization / Product Management / Requirements

Epicenter software design – 37signals applies Kano

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Jason at 37signals has started a discussion about feature prioritization with his recent post. He describes the epicenter of software as the most important, must-have feature. He argues that this feature should always be the one that is built first, since without it you don’t have an application. This is the same approach we reccommended in our recent post about prioritizing requirements with Kano analysis. The epicenter, while critically important, isn’t sufficient to drive success for the software.

Interaction design / Prioritization / Software development / Software requirements specification / UX

How To Create Personas for Goal Driven Development

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We mentioned the creation of personas in our overview of the interaction design process. In this post we will talk in more detail about how to create them. We will cover identification and prioritization of the personas, defining the corporate and personal goals for the personas, and creating the anecdotal stories that give each persona an identity against which we can make design decisions. Scenarios are also defined for the primary personas, which drive the creation of the functional requirements specification.