Passionate Requirements

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Writing passionate requirements is not about writing with passion. It is about writing the requirements that cause people to be passionate about your product. Find the most important problem, for your most important customers. Understand the essence of what is important to solve that problem, for only those people. Then […]

Quick Post on Passion

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Why Passion is Important Thanks Kathy for Two Simple Words of Passion… I distinctly remember some eye-rolls when we posted Writing Passionate Requirements as part of the Big Ten Rules to Writing Good Requirements series. When we are excited about our product, and believe in the value for our customers, […]

Writing Passionate Requirements

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One of the ten big rules of writing a good MRD is writing passionate requirements. What in the world is a passionate requirement [they were all wondering]? When you believe in the product, are committed to the work, and aren’t bored, you can write passionately. The goal of a requirement is to create sustained understanding. A dry document can create understanding, but an engaging document will sustain it.