Top five usability blunders (and fixes)

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Five easy steps to alienating your users with bad usability Fail to simplify a comprehensive interface so that new users can quickly climb past the suck threshold. Build an inconsistent UI layout or interaction design that varies throughout the application, creating a sense of dissonance for the users. Interrupt the […]

CRUDdy use cases and Shakespeare

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CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) is an acronym used to refer to a set of mundane, important, and indirect (if not implicit) requirements or use cases. To create a report on orders, you have to first create the orders and retrieve them. Further, the ability to update (edit) and delete […]

Use Case Series: Formal Use Case

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This is the classic use case as described by someone who talks about Software Engineering. All of the training classes (other than Agile classes) that I’ve been to teach formal use case development as a component in a system of requirements management.

Use Case Series: Introduction

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Use cases can be difficult to talk about, because they immediately invoke so many different preconceptions and prejudices. High school English teachers know that some words aren’t just words – they are symbolic, and represent ideas. They had us write essays like “Who do I think is a hero” and […]