Making Offshore Development Work

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Economic pressures are driving most companies in high-developer-salary markets to explore using offshore development teams as part of their approach to developing software. Developing software with a global team presents new challenges as well as new benefits. If you do it right, you can have a more cost-effective team. If […]

Why You Should Test Your Requirements

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We’ve written before about several characteristics of well written requirements, and one of those characteristics is testability. Ahamad has written an list of 10 tests of requirements, with an emphasis on assessing the testability of the requirements. The testability of the requirement determines if the resultant product can be tested […]

Passing the Wrong Whitebox Tests

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We’ve talked about the value of using whitebox testing in our Software testing series post on whitebox testing. What we haven’t explored is how to make sure we are creating the right tests. We have to validate our tests against the requirements. This post shows where the flaw is in the typical whitebox testing process, and how to fix it.

A reader emailed us with the comment, “It’s been my experience that developers can’t test their own code.” Their problem was that they were missing a link in the software development chain (missing a step in the process).

Software testing series: Introduction

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Software testing is a field that is so broad reaching that you can write hundreds of books about – and people have. There are different techniques and different tools. New testing technologies are being created all the time. There are a host of different goals – testing requirements, testing designs, […]

How To Deal With Untestable Requirements – Rewrite Them

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The premise behind the rule that requirements must be testable is driven by the goal of avoiding ambiguous language in your requirements. Statements like “the application must have a clean user interface” or “search response times must be fast” are also untestable, but more because of language than anything else.