Passionate Requirements

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Writing passionate requirements is not about writing with passion. It is about writing the requirements that cause people to be passionate about your product. Find the most important problem, for your most important customers. Understand the essence of what is important to solve that problem, for only those people. Then […]

Logical Requirements

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We talk about characteristics of good requirements, including completeness, correctness, and ambiguity. But how do we assure that our requirements are complete, correct, and unambiguous? Simple, Captain, with logic.

Writing For The Purpose of Reading

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The reason we write is so that someone can read it in the future. Duh. When we’re writing requirements documents, or documenting processes, how often do we stop and think about who will be reading our documents? We need to make sure our writing will be easy to read for our audience.

Readability and Requirements

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Thanks to the download squad for pointing me at the Juicy Studio: Readability Test! You can go to Juicy Studio’s site, and calculate the reading level of any URL. You can also try the Readability Grader at Jellymetrics, for a modern take on it. Of the multiple analyses provided, the […]