A look back at the best from a year ago.
Managing Stakeholder Goals
A couple weeks ago we wrote about Outside-in Software Development, by Carl Kessler and John Sweitzer. One of their ideas about stakeholders and goals has got us thinking about traceability.
Fast Follower Product Strategy: Microsoft Zune
Microsoft has a product called Zune that is a competitor to the Apple iPod. They just recently announced their second release – the new version of the Zune. Since Apple already dominates that market, Microsoft qualifies as a follower – how are they approaching the introduction of a new product […]
Flashback: A Year Ago This Week on Tyner Blain [2006-10-06]
A look back at the best from a year ago.
Estimating an Inestimable Project
We create cost estimates at many times in a project. From budgetary estimates at the start of a project all the way to PERT estimates of tasks in a work breakdown structure. Creating a budgetary estimate seems impossible – you have to make many assumptions, your estimates are based on […]
Software Product Success Stories
Most of us have seen those blog-tagging memes – “Tell us three things people don’t know about you” or “What did you have for breakfast?” We’re starting a useful one today – How I helped make a successful product! Read on to see our success story, and find out who […]
Flashback: A Year Ago This Week on Tyner Blain [2006-09-29]
A look back at the best from a year ago.
Outside-In Software Development: First Look
A first look at Outside-in Software Development, available tomorrow (or pre-order tonight on Amazon.com). At the time of this writing, the book is #29 on the Hot New Releases list – and you can get it for just over a third off the price if you pre-order now. Take a […]
Global Processes and Business Rules
We’ve written before about the importance of separating rules from requirements, particularly in use cases. We wrote that with the goal in mind of reducing the costs of system maintenance. Low-level rules like decision, calculation and inference rules tend to change frequently – and independently of other requirements. So a […]