This morning I finished up the infrastructure setup for our project. A bunch of under the hood work. Definitely required some propeller-head skills. The goal of this work is to get us to a working prototype as soon as possible. There are a couple links to some good agile testing […]
Flashback: A Year Ago This Week on Tyner Blain [2006-04-28]
A look back at the best from a year ago.
APR: Updated Domain Model
More iteration in our agile project. In this article, we make several updates to the domain model (UML class diagram) based upon discussions on all of the articles in the series. More than a couple dozen in the last day. Thanks to everyone who has helped with feedback and encouragement […]
APR: Updating Our Vision
We defined the vision for our agile project last week, and in this article propose an addition.
APR: Thoughts on Ratings
Our agile project is to create a site that lets you rate articles. In our corporate goals, we defined the goal to make it easier for people to find and read great content. Last night I was doing some research on social networks and thinking about the nature of our […]
APR: Domain Model – UML Class Diagram
Along with design sketches and requirements, as part of the concurrent design and requirements development for our agile project, we have created a UML class diagram representing the domain. This iterative process allows us to incorporate the benefits of each perspective rapidly with the others in our race to prototype […]
APR: Design Element Sketches
Here are the scans of the design elements I drew out the other night as part of the design and requirements exploration for our agile project case study. There are seven images (with larger versions) showing design exploration.
APR: UI Platform Research
One of the elements of design we need to consider for our agile project is the interface that our users will be using. We need a way to survey our users to get this data. We are using the data from visitors to Tyner Blain as a presumably representative sample […]
APR: Mixing It Up With Design And Requirements
With a definition of the important use cases for our agile project, we can move to the logical next step – which is what exactly? Prototyping.