A look back at the best from a year ago.
Analysis Paralysis and Agile Development
How do you prevent analysis paralysis? That’s the question Barbara opens up for discussion on the Business Analyst Blog. The answer is somewhat simple. You stop as soon as you believe you have something that reasonably covers the goals (or use cases) that you are trying to address. When you […]
Foundation Series: Heuristic Evaluation
A heuristic evaluation (or heuristic analysis) is a quick, low-cost usability analysis of the design of a user interface. Pareto’s rule tells us that we can get 80% of the results from 20% of the effort. And that’s where discount usability tests like a heuristic evaluation come in to play. […]
A Year Ago This Week on Tyner Blain [2006-08-25]
A look back at the best from a year ago.
Requirements Details – How Much is Enough?
What is the right level of detail for writing requirements? What about for writing specifications (functional, non-functional requirements, etc)? The answer is that there is no one answer. But there are guidelines, and reasons to write more detail, or less detail – for any given product or project, and any […]
The Role of the Business Analyst
There’s an article at RQNG with a very interesting discussion thread – do we need the role of a business analyst?
Flashback: A Year Ago This Week on Tyner Blain [2006-08-18]
A look back at the best from a year ago.
Product Managers and Information Flow
Product managers are often described as the hub or center of a software development organization. Saeed Khan takes umbrage with this under-appreciative image in an awesome article about information flow, product managers, and the SDLC.
Why Gantt Charts Are Useless For Agile Projects
What can you learn about your agile project from this Gantt chart? The one above looks out two years. It shows task dependencies and concurrencies. If you’re iteratively developing software, do you really expect to know what you’ll be doing two years from now, to know if you truly have […]