Business Analysis / Product Management / Project Management / Requirements / Requirements Models / Use Cases

Software Cost Estimation With Use Case Points – Final Calculations

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The final step in project cost estimation with use case points is to do the math. First you identify the technical and environmental factors that influence your environment and describe your team. Then you analyze the use cases and actors that describe the expectations of the software and who has them. Finally, you bring it all together to do the math.

Business Analysis / Product Management / Project Management / Requirements / Requirements Models / Use Cases

Software Cost Estimation With Use Case Points – Actor Analysis

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Software project cost estimation using use case points takes the approach of estimating the amount of effort based upon what the software is being asked to do – not an analysis of how someone chooses to do it. We’ve looked at technical and environmental factors that influence our estimate. And we’ve done a use case analysis to quantify how much work the software is being asked to do. The last area of analysis focuses on the users of the software.

Business Analysis / Product Management / Project Management / Requirements / Requirements Models / Use Cases

Software Cost Estimation With Use Case Points – Use Case Analysis

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Software cost estimation with use case points is primarily driven by use case analysis. You take into account environmental and technical factors, but they are ultimately only modifiers of the analysis done on the use cases. Each use case contributes to the project cost estimate, and use cases of varying complexity have a varying influence on the cost estimate.

Business Analysis / Product Management / Project Management / Requirements / Requirements Models / Use Cases

Software Cost Estimation With Use Case Points – Technical Factors

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The technical factors are the first thing you assess when doing a use case point analysis. Technical factors describe the expectations of the users for the delivered software. Generally, it is an assessment of non-functional requirements. There are 13 technical factors that you have to analyze. Read on to see how.

Business Analysis / Product Management / Project Management / Requirements / Requirements Models / Use Cases

Software Cost Estimation With Use Case Points – Introduction

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Estimating the amount of work required to deliver software is hard. Estimating the amount of work in the very early stages of a project is even harder. A method was developed to estimate the amount of work required by analyzing what the system will allow its users to do. That method is called Estimating With Use Case Points. This article is an introduction to the concept.

Marketing / Polls / Product Management

Product Manager Role Details and Survey Results

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Pragmatic Marketing runs an annual survey of product managers. We looked at 440 results from the 2006 Product Manager Survey to uncover the trends in how different product manager roles are defined. The survey involved questions breaking down the allocation of time to different activities. In this article we look at how those activities varied for product managers, product marketing managers, segment / market managers, and technical product managers.