Business Analysis / Kano Analysis / Marketing / Prioritization / Product Management / Product Strategy / Requirements / Requirements gathering / Requirements Models

Market Problem Framing Example

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As Steven Haines first told me, “strategy first, roadmap second.” There is a step between the two – deciding which problems you will focus on solving with your product. Strategy defines the context for product strategy, and your product roadmap is a planning (and communication) tool for executing your product […]

Agile / Product Management

The Potential of Agile

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The pop-culture concept of a silver bullet – a simple solution to a hard problem – is a dangerous idea. It can be used to over-promise, and doom a team to under-delivery. When an executive, too far removed from what makes creating products hard thinks of “agile” as a silver […]

Business Analysis / Product Management / Requirements / Requirements Models / User Stories

Outside-In User Story Example

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Being “outside-in”, “outcome-based”, and “market-driven” is particularly important for creating successful products. The problem is that just saying the words is not enough to help someone shift their thinking. For those of us who are already thinking this way, the phrases become touchstones or short-hand. For folks who are not […]