Requirements Management – I’m embarking on a journey to help several teams manage their requirements with their existing systems and tools. This is the first in a series of articles, where the rubber meets the road. I’ll look at both the theory and the realities of what works (and doesn’t) […]
The Value of Insights
Intellectual Property. The legal jargon definition of this term has come to effectively mean “something I’ve patented, copyrighted, or hold as a trade secret.” A more general interpretation is “an idea.” For product managers, the most valuable ideas are insights.
Product Managers & Innovation
Thanks everyone for the great conversation in the most recent #prodmgmttalk chat session! This week, Roger Cauvin inspired us to think about product managers as innovators – or enablers of innovation. Each week, I find myself thinking about at least one of the #prodmgmttalk questions long after the hour is […]
Nokia’s Smartphone Strategy – Maximin
Nokia, the Finnish mobile phone manufacturer, is getting clobbered as their market rapidly moves away from them. Recent analyst reports show that Android and iOS (Apple’s platform) based phones are rapidly gaining market share. Nokia sells neither. Nokia has a major press event in a few hours, where they will […]