Foundation series / Polls / Process Improvement / Software development / Test Automation / Testing

Foundation Series: Black Box and White Box Software Testing

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Blackbox tests and whitebox tests.
These terms get thrown about quite a bit. In a previous post, we referenced Marc Clifton’s advanced unit testing series. If you were already familiar with the domain, his article could immediately build on that background knowledge and extend it.

Software testing can be most simply described as “for a given set of inputs into a software application, evaluate a set of outputs.” Software testing is a cause-and-effect analysis.

Foundation series / Process Improvement / Requirements / Software development

Foundation Series: Software Process (Waterfall Process versus Incremental Process)

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A software process is the set of activities required to create software. This process can be defined with very precise steps, roles and responsibilities. The process can also be defined with a more fluid set activities in pursuit of concrete, high level objectives. Or software can be created without explicitly […]

Foundation series / Lists

Foundation Series: Introduction

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I want to thank one of my readers who offered a fantastic suggestion. He didn’t have the needed background knowledge to read some posts. He’s exactly right. The Foundation series of posts will provide introductory posts on topics. What topics would you like to see on Tyner Blain? – – […]