One of the ten big rules of writing a good MRD is writing passionate requirements. What in the world is a passionate requirement [they were all wondering]? When you believe in the product, are committed to the work, and aren’t bored, you can write passionately. The goal of a requirement is to create sustained understanding. A dry document can create understanding, but an engaging document will sustain it.
Writing Atomic Requirements
One of the ten big rules of writing a good MRD is writing atomic requirements. Just as verifiable requirements must be concretely measurable as having been met or not, so must atomic requirements. If a requirement has multiple elements that can be implemented separately, it is not atomic.
Writing Verifiable Requirements
One of the ten big rules of writing a good MRD is writing verifiable requirements. Verification is both a function of having a precise goal, and having the ability to affordably measure the requirement. A precise goal is a verifiable requirement if we can clearly answer “yes” or “no” when asked if the requirement has been implemented. We also face the practical realities of being able to measure the results profitably.
Writing Unambiguous Requirements
One of the ten big rules of writing a good MRD is writing unambiguous requirements. Ambiguity is a function of communication. The writing can be generically ambiguous, or ambiguous to the writer. A requirement could be precise in intent, but ambiguous in interpretation by the reader. Understanding our audience is as important as precision in language. We write unambiguous requirements because misinterpretation of requirements is the source of 40% of all bugs in delivered software.
Writing Consistent Requirements
One of the ten big rules of writing a good MRD is writing consistent requirements. Consistency within an MRD has two dimensions that are important to requirements – logical consistency and grammatical consistency. There is also the element of writing an MRD that is consistent with other documentation – external consistency.
Writing Complete Requirements
One of the ten big rules of writing a good MRD is writing complete requirements. We identify problems and opportunities in the market. We determine that one of these problems is valuable enough and practical to implement. Then we have to write the requirements, and make sure that the requirements will completely solve the targeted problem.
Writing Attainable Requirements
One of the ten big rules of writing a good MRD is writing attainable, or realistic requirements. These are requirements that can be practically implemented, by our team, according to our schedule. Practicality is a function of the skills of our team members, the costs that we face to implement a particular requirement, and the circumstances in which we are developing. Agile proponents use the phrases ‘people trump process’ and ‘politics trumps people.’ To write attainable requirements, we have to think about our people and our political situation.
Intro to Requirements Gathering – St. Edward’s University
Welcome Dr. Franke’s students in Analysis, Modeling and Design MCIS6310! Thanks again for inviting me to present to your class on requirements gathering and requirements management. The presentation is available for download. You can get both the slides and the notes pages. The notes pages include additional content and links […]
Prioritizing Software Requirements With Kano Analysis – Article Published
Pragmatic Marketing has published an article on Kano Analysis. The article was written by Scott Sehlhorst and represents a merging of two of the posts (1 2) at Tyner Blain that focus on Kano Analysis.