We’ve upgraded our theme!
- The new look should provide much better support for users with larger monitors, while still supporting folks reading at 800×600 resolution.
- We’ve added a calendar widget to make it easy to find the posts for a given date.
- We have easier navigation from page to page, within search results, archives, categories and navigating from post to post.
- We’ve incorporated a little of our branding into the site.
Please give us usability feedback – we were only able to test IE6 and Firefox, and we have some readers who use IE7, IE5, Safari, Opera, Lynx, other variations of Mozilla and Netscape. Please let us know if you have any rendering problems, or usability issues with the site.
Thanks in advance!
Now on version 0.2, with the following changes:
Also, I’ve just discovered a feature for 0.3 : Allow for rational appearance of unordered and ordered lists within comments (which support html)
Feature request list for 0.3
I will be using this comment as a place to record feature requests for future versions.
Version 0.4 is currently implemeneted – outstanding features to implement in priority order:
A thought about the theme of the page:
Overall I think it looks really good but I think the links at the top of the page for ‘Main’ and ‘Earlier Entries’ are too hard to see.
Thanks – increased the font size of the navigation. Also added a help link for google-toolbar readers, and incorporated a couple “live site” tweaks back into the official template.
Version 0.6 is now live.
Anyone else have suggestions?