Flesh Out Those Wireframes

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Stephen Turbek, at Boxes and Arrows, tells us how to get better results from our wireframes. Wireframe prototyping can provide feedback early in the design cycle, reducing costs and improving the quality of the final software. By putting a little flesh on the bone, we can get even better results.

Customer Service and Software Development

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Sometimes we forget that people use our software. Neil Mix reminds us that we should treat our users like people. For anyone who’s worked retail or food service jobs (like yours truly), we shoud treat our customers like customers.

Top five usability blunders (and fixes)

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Five easy steps to alienating your users with bad usability Fail to simplify a comprehensive interface so that new users can quickly climb past the suck threshold. Build an inconsistent UI layout or interaction design that varies throughout the application, creating a sense of dissonance for the users. Interrupt the […]

Use case series: UML 2.0 use case diagrams

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The UML way to organize and manage use cases. Pros Provides a high level view of the use cases in a system, solution, or application. Clearly shows which actors perform which use cases, and how use cases combine to form business processes Cons Presents an “inside-out” view of the sytem. […]