Concise Requirements

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Concise requirements give your team a useful, easy to read and easy to change understanding of what must be done. Great requirements exist to do three things: Identify the problems that need to be solved. Explain why those problems are worth solving. Define when those problems are solved.

Requirements Details – How Much is Enough?

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What is the right level of detail for writing requirements? What about for writing specifications (functional, non-functional requirements, etc)? The answer is that there is no one answer. But there are guidelines, and reasons to write more detail, or less detail – for any given product or project, and any […]

Writing Concise Requirements

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One of the ten big rules of writing a good MRD is writing concise requirements. We have to minimize the amount we write to avoid information overload. We also need to make sure we write enough to get the message across. How do we strike the balance?