Epic Problem Statement

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When solving complex problems at scale, we use epics, features, and stories to align, focus, and coordinate the work of multiple teams to achieve the objectives of our organizations.  An epic represents the investment decision to solve a tangible problem; a collection of epics together represent a broader investment decision […]

The Potential of Agile

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The pop-culture concept of a silver bullet – a simple solution to a hard problem – is a dangerous idea. It can be used to over-promise, and doom a team to under-delivery. When an executive, too far removed from what makes creating products hard thinks of “agile” as a silver […]

Good Enough

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We hear a lot about building products which are “good enough” or “just barely good enough.” How do we know what “good enough” means for our customers? No one really tells us.

Agile Through a Matrix Lens

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“Agile” is something most teams do wrong*, without realizing they’re doing it wrong. A good 2×2 matrix acts as a lens, helping to convert information into insight. Let’s apply this lens to agile as applied within a company, and see if it helps people decide to do things differently.

Agile Cadabra

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Agile is not magical. Changing from a waterfall process to an agile process changes how your team works, and helps eliminate inefficiencies.  Adopting an agile process does not let you magically have a more successful product. What makes agile powerful is also makes it dangerous.

Whole Product Game

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How can Theodore Levitt’s classic Whole Product approach help with defining a product roadmap? I’ve been revisiting his concepts and their use recently, thinking about how to revise them for some exercises I’ve been doing with product teams.

Is Agile Really Cheaper?

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There are several ways to answer the question “is agile cheaper than waterfall?” Here are two of my favorites: “It depends. Agile done well is cheaper, as long as you measure correctly.” “You’re asking the wrong question. The right question is: is agile better?”