Market Driven Competitive Advantage

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Your strategy should be driven by the needs of the market. Becoming market-driven is critical to intentional product success. But it is not enough to understand your market. You have to sustain your understanding, and take advantage of it, competitively.

Foundation Series: SaaS Economics (Software as a Service)

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There are a bunch of new* ways of selling software these days. SaaS (Software as a Service) has been in the consumer space for a while, and is making significant inroads into the enterprise software space today. If you’re considering purchasing or using software, you should understand what SaaS means […]

Get an Edge With Visual Communication

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Having trouble working through complex concepts? Struggling to get a “simple” message across? As human beings, we are all pre-wired to absorb visual communication. You should take advantage of that to give yourself an edge when it comes to communicating.