Where Did You Get That Estimate?

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How good are our estimates? We can use PERT to estimate the time it will take to implement each requirement. We can use timeboxes to schedule the requirements within each release. If we don’t know how good our estimates are, its an exercise in futility. Scheduling is about more than predicting the future, its about knowing how much faith to have in our predictions.

Communicate Relevant Quality Metrics

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Most teams think about testing in terms of code coverage – what % of the lines of code are covered? What matters to our stakeholders is how well the software works. More precisely, how well does the software let the users work? We should be targeting our quality message in terms of use cases, because that matches their perspective and context.

Fuel Shortage

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Scout got my Diet Mt. Dew today, so no late night blogging tonight. Apologies for the short notice – see y’all tomorrow! Scott

Market Segmentation or Senseless Mistake?

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A grass roots campaign has been started by Peter Provost to get Microsoft to include unit testing support included with all versions of Visual Studio 2005 (VS). Currently, Microsoft is only including it with Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) versions of VS. This looks to be a great example of a killer feature in a product providing so much surprise and delight that people are demanding that it be universally available. This is also a great example of market segmentation by Microsoft. The irony is that there is an open source alternative that makes the opportunity cost very low, and yet people are still clamoring. Let’s see why.

Targeted Communication – Status Reporting

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We’ve posted tips about targeted communication – tailoring the message for the audience. Anthony Mersino has an excellent post from January of this year about how to write a good status report. He provides seven excellent guidelines for status reporting, and all of them around providing the message our audience cares about, as effectively as possible.

Maine Mangles Medicaid – Charges CIO

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Allan Holmes, for CIO Magazine just posted a scathing and detailed autopsy of the disastrous Medicaid Claims System project run by CSNI and launched in January of 2005. Requirements elicitation failures combined with incompetent vendor selection and project mismanagement lead to a $30,000,000 oops for the state of Maine, jeopardizing its credit rating. The system failed to process 300,000 claims in the first 3 months of operations, causing many health care providers to close their doors – and presumably causing citizens of Maine to go without needed services. Maine is the only state in the union (as of April 2005) not complying with federal HIPAA regulations.

Getting agile – should we?

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Should we adopt an agile process for our team? Methods and Tools has posted a two part article titled Adopting an Agile Method. In thier article, they explore five areas of consideration. We provide our thoughts on each area. Five areas to consider (from the article) Our organization’s culture Our […]

Gartner research on Agile Requirements Definition and Management (RDM)

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Gartner has a research report available for $95, titled Agile Requirements Definition and Management Will Benefit Application Development (report #G00126310 Apr 2005). The report is 7 pages long and makes an interesting read. Gartner makes a set of predictions for 2009 about requirements definition and management (RDM) systems, and the software created with RDM tools. Gartner misattributes several benefits of good process to RDM tools. We give them a 3.5/7 for their analysis – check out the details here.

Two big benefits of incremental delivery

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Tarun Upadhyay wrote a fair criticism of our previous post on why incremental delivery is good on his blog today. It is great that he is extending the conversation, and he makes some valid points. We definitely missed a big benefit of incremental delivery, and will cover it in this post.