Software Requirements Specification Iteration and Prototyping

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Developing great software requirements demands iteration

In our previous post of an example of the software development process, we showed a linear flow through the process, as depicted in several posts over a couple weeks. What we failed to show was any of the iteration cycles, as Deepak points out by asking a great question in the comments on that post. In this post, we will show a little more about how the process works by showing how iteration fits into the machinery of software development.

The evolution of software product development

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The Lost Garden has an outstanding post by Danc – Software Development’s Evolution towards Product Design.

Danc writes about how the software development process has evolved over the years. He characterizes this evolution in four distinct phases.

Prioritizing software requirements – am I hot or not?

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Prioritizing software requirements

Jason at 37 signals recently posted about essential vs non-essential requirements – the software equivalent of Am I hot or not? He talks about the prioritization decisions their team went through as part of bringing Campfire to it’s launch. Campfire is an online collaboration application that just launched today. We will talk about how their prioritization

Jargon gone amuck!

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This video showing the abuse of jargon (2 minutes) is absolutely hysterical, and should be watched for humor alone. However, it also drives the point home about the effects of using jargon when writing requirements. When we write a PRD or SRS if we use the jargon of one domain, […]

Writing Requirements Unambiguously

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Writing requirements without ambiguity

This is one of the harder parts of writing good requirements. Marcus tells us to avoid it with a good example here. Jerry Aubin at Seilevel has written an outstanding post on the subject, The art and science of disambiguation. Jerry starts his post with a gripping example from Weinberg and Gause: